
The Pipes Lab website was designed by Lenore Pipes building on the excellent foundation provided by Andrew Vaughn, who designed the Nielsen Lab website. The Pipes Lab website builds on the template originally created by Trevor Bedford for his lab website. See this page for information about using Trevor’s template. We also incorporated design elements and code from several labs that have adapted Trevor’s template, including the Nielsen Lab, Riggleman Lab, the Drummond Lab, and the Canepa Lab.

We extend our sincere thanks to Petra Korlevic for her beautiful illustrations featured on our website. Her artwork brings life and character to our lab’s online presence. You can reach out to Petra at pkorlevic@gmail.com or find her on X (formerly Twitter) @petrathepostdoc.

If you find any errors in this website (broken links, images not displaying, typos, etc.), feel free to report them to Lenore so she can correct them. The source code for the Pipes Lab website is freely available here, under the MIT license, and we encourage its use for your own projects—though a citation would be appreciated!